What IS an RV?
Recreational Vehicle (s), RV (abr) Any enclosed vehicle used for camping which is more elaborate than a simple truck or car, such as a pickup truck with a camper body, pop-up tent trailer, travel trailer, bus, motor coach, mobile home etc.
Source: National Park Service
How many households in the U.S. own RV's?
In 2001 there were 7.6 million. In 2011 that number rose to 8.9 million!
Source: rvda.org
So, who ARE these people?
Most RVers are over the age of 55, married, employed full-time, have a high school degree, are Caucasian, are Republicans (really?) and come from a 2-person household. Most RVers are from rural areas in the western part of the United States.
Source: goRVing.com
What are they doing?
RVers travel an average of 4, 500 miles per year. 54% of them travel with their pets. The most popular destination is Yosemite National Park. 19% of RVers like to stay in places other than campgrounds.
Source: rvda.org
Sometimes bad things happen on the road!
The five most common causes of RV accidents are:
1. Fires from leaking gas or propane
2. Tire blowouts
3. an awning or steps that are not properly stowed away
4. Driving and clearance errors such as hitting bridge underpasses or gas station overhangs
5. Overloading or uneven weight
source: rvia.org
Knowing about number four...we will leave this fun fact page with this picture!